Friday, August 31, 2018

It's a NEW Journey! INTERLOCS established 9/15/18

I am 14 days away from having my hair interlocked!  I am excited.  A lot has happened since my last post in 2013.  I will share some pictures of my hair journey
with you later. This is one of my favorites from 2013.

Things I Know For Sure...

1. Life will not always go the way you want.

2. It's a job - not my life.

3. I don't like the 'center part' in the Sisterlocks grid.

4. God is good, kind, fair, and full of justice and mercy.

5. Training for a half marathon is hard work.

6. I've wanted 'locks' for as long as I can remember.

7. God is the ultimate planner - his plans are always better than mine!

8. I am going to let my gray hair grow out.

9. Nothing is more sophisticated than a lady in gray!

10. God loves humility.