Tuesday, July 5, 2011

7 months - Twist out

Today, I tried a “twist out.” I was never fond of this look, but I thought I would try it anyway.  It was scary looking when I started styling it this morning, but in the end, it is okay.

Freedom of being a DIYer

Hi there!

I have successfully navigated a couple of re-tights on my own (ok, so my sister helped me out with the last one)! There is definitely a sense of freedom and control that comes with being a DIYer. I am enjoying this journey again….I have noticed that a few locks in the back are beginning to lock…there are a few in the front that have changed, also. Over the past few months, I have noticed : growth, shrinkage, and bunching.  My maintenance routine is pretty much the same…just a little longer now that I am a DIYer. Overall, I am happy with my journey.

Stay Happy!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

3 Month Retightening

I am still enjoying this journey.  I love my hair, and the freedom natural brings to my life. These are pictures of my 3 month retightening - 14 weeks. I have noticed some growth and fullness.  I have had some slippage, but nothing too unusual.

Things I Know For Sure...

1. Life will not always go the way you want.

2. It's a job - not my life.

3. I don't like the 'center part' in the Sisterlocks grid.

4. God is good, kind, fair, and full of justice and mercy.

5. Training for a half marathon is hard work.

6. I've wanted 'locks' for as long as I can remember.

7. God is the ultimate planner - his plans are always better than mine!

8. I am going to let my gray hair grow out.

9. Nothing is more sophisticated than a lady in gray!

10. God loves humility.